2019 – Russkiy Rock-n-roll

Ñòàðûå äîáðûå ïåñíè, òåïåðü íà àíãëèéñêîì ÿçûêå. Russky Rock’n’roll, Trains rolled down the street. Recorded at NYU recording studio (NYC) during April-June 2019

Hey, let’s all gather ‘round –
Something like you, boy
Yeah, let’s gather ‘round –
Something like you, girl
‘Cause it’s time to rock,
‘Cause it’s time to roll,
T’is time to have some fun –
It’s something like Rock-n-Roll!

Oh, you better grab
Something like a guitar
And you do make sure
It’s got some like strings
Turn your speakers up loud,
Let’s start playing some drums
Just don’t let them fall out –
Your good old eardrums…

Fearsome, terrible and mighty
You rock the skies like lightning
Crazy, terrible and deadly
Kicking Soviet brass so badly!
Rock’n’roll, rock’n’roll, rock’n’roll,
This is Russky Rock-n-Roll!

Making something like money,
Doing something like work
Living something like life
Playing something like Rock
Feeling something like happy
Like a madman on fire,
But if you only knew
How I’ve become so tired…

Getting busy all the time –
is my share from God
So – as I should –
I get tired a lot
I got tired when I had a job
and when I went to school
Now I’m tired of this Rock,
of Russian Rock that rules!

Fearsome, terrible and mighty
You rock the skies like lightning
Crazy, terrible and deadly
Kicking Soviet brass so badly!
Rock’n’roll, rock’n’roll, rock’n’roll,
Good old Russky Rock-n-Roll!

îïóáëèêîâàíî íà ñàéòå fchistyakov.ru

20 íîÿáðÿ 2019